- Explore how to ethically give beneficiaries the opportunity to help - remember to keep it legal and within regulations://www.fundraisingregulator.org.uk
- Encouraging people to sign up for the newsletter and to follow on social media that adds value.
- Seek out testimonials (can be anon) qualitative information and
- Find beneficiaries who are happy to share their story/video/speak at public events·
- Promoting opportunities through networks and piggybacking on communications - information leaflets/email signatures etc
- Finding out from contacts how to approach their organsation suppliers/clubs/employers.
- Input at nurturing events.
- Using agreed language to present a consistent brand image.
- Fundraising Mix - that advances your mission. For example if a mental health charity it could be a sponsored walk which helps with wellbeing by - spending time in nature, getting exercise, being a positive part of the community and socialising with other people.
- Patron options
- Cross-selling with campaigning and other volunteer departments
- Supporting social media by liking and commenting on posts.
- Providing social media content - professional and also the human side to forge an emotional connection using imagery and video.
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