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Director at Croydon Almshouse Charities (Finance and Audit Committee) and at Waverley Abbey Trust (WAT - Treasurer). I am also very involved with charities on a day to day basis as the CEO of a specialist insurance broker (Access Insurance) to charities. We have a team of over 60 staff to help you. Over 95% of our clients are not-for profit organisations.
Much has been written about Charity Governace and there are many resources available around the Charity Governance Code and board effectiveness, but there is little around Governance and Operational Excellence. I am available to help you deliver a programme of Charity Operational Excellence and Growth in charities with incomes in the 1.5m to 10m range. Please do not hesitate to contact me for an initial discussion.
The team at Access also all have up to 6 days available for charity work and we have expertise in IT, Marketing, Branding and Finance.
Recently I have been campaigning for charities to be exempted from Insurance Premium Tax which has been rising rapidly in the budgets. #NoCharityIPT
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