Admin, Ops, IT & Finance Community

The place for those who work in charity admin, ops or finance. 📊 Share your recommendations, helpful resources and experiences.

1,365 posts

Ops Trending
Hey CC!  I thought I'd hop on to discuss what seems to be everyone's favourite topic at the moment.... AI 😅 I recently read a  CivilSociety article suggesting that over six in ten charities are usin...
Ocean King
Finance Trending
We are collecting donations to create a corpus fund for our charity which is likely to take several years. I am wondering whether we will have to pay income tax on donations. In other words are donat...
Ahmad Waseem
Hi,  I am looking at moving away from Sage 50 and wondered if anybody is using Xero. I am specifically wanting to know if Xero can effectively distinguish between unrestricted and restricted funds wh...
Luci Brady
As a Website and Content Editor for a small charity working on a global issue, I've been tasked with looking into a Website Risk Assessment. Problem is, we're not really very sure exactly what that s...
Dean Willis
I applied to HMRC for VAT registration of our charity. After more than three months, I received Company Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) number and the Tax Office number. The letter does not  say anyt...
Ahmad Waseem
We are looking for a developer to help us create a custom-CRM system that will enable us to track interactions with our key stakeholders and log their interest in our work. We are expecting that we u...
Tom Gill
We have used NowDonate part of Donation Manager for a number of ears without problems. Recently the Gift Aid claim process seems to not work. I have tried numerous times to contact them by email but...
Simon Lees
This question is from a member of our community that wishes to remain anonymous: Does anyone have any particular recommendations for call answering services? We have used Moneypenny in the past but...
Ocean King
Hi everyone. As a new charity, I will soon be looking for a van. I understand leasing is probably the way forwards (Although there is no guaranteed income for a new charity). But does anyone know of...
Leigh Gilles
Hi, I'm looking for a company that would help us implement Google workspace migrating email from a 3rd party solution and our existing Google Drive setup. It's a small project with only 8 users. Does...
Jamie McDougall
Hi There, Does anyone have any recommendations for a CRM specialist/trainer. We have inherited a Salesforce CRM system from out old CEO and we are not trained to use it. Thank you everyone for assist...
Tracy Henning
For donors who have Gift Aided their gifts their data is downloaded from CRM in Excel format. The HMRC Gift Aid portal then rejects the date (albeit it in their DD/MM/YY configuration) and amount, ag...
Has anyone set up an Unincorporated Association recently (eg a voluntary group or a sports club)?  I am becoming a trustee for a voluntary group and we are finding it really hard to open a bank accou...
Layla Gemmell
Many organisations have financial deficits going back before 2018. How can I access the organisations for potential drawing in more funds when they already have such big deficits, or is it just part...
Anonymous Anon
This question is from a member of our community that wishes to remain anonymous: We are a newly registered animal charity and I am currently overhauling our record keeping. I have written a new adop...
Ocean King
Hello! I work for a small grant-maker and currently manage everything using Outlook and Excel.  I would like to put a database in place to improve and develop our grant management. I have used Salesf...
Nina Davies
We have still have no cvc numbers on our postal donation forms. I would like to move away from Worldpay for processing our donations.  World pay currently allow us to process these forms as customer...
Our charity will be offering mental health training for free to those unable to pay and part subsidised for those who can pay something.  As a charity how do we ensure those accessing the training ca...
Hi folks, Just in case anyone is in the same boat as us and is have been told by Soldo that they will now be charging you, I hunted for a while until I found a really good alternative that actually s...
Kate Jensen
When our CIO got registered we opened a current account and there were few questions on donation collection but the account was opened. Now we want to open a savings account with the same bank and th...
Ahmad Waseem
Is anyone using either one of the platforms? I'd love to hear opinions from day to day user experience. Many thanks, Alex
Alex Hadden
This question is from a member of our community that wishes to remain anonymous: I am working on an awards ceremony at the moment, for which nominations are being submitted into various categories....
Ocean King
Hi all,  I'm developing an appeal for a small charity, we need a professional appeal page that has some good integration features and has a well optimised UX. I have been looking at Raisely but wonde...
Amy Stirling
Hi, we are a small charity and will send funds to a partner charity in India. Does anyone know which banks are happiest to do this without having to provide lots of paperwork? Thanks, Richard
Richard Pearce
Hi can someone give me some advice please. A charitable group runs both buildings and rents 1 building to a constituted group 7 days a week. Can the site manager keep interfering with the constituted...
Emma Jones
Hello.  Does anyone know where we can get a cheap virtual office in London? I don't mind where the address is located. We need a mail forwarding service included. Thanks in advance.
Abdullah Ibn Mashuk
Has anyone any experience of developing a shared space online for a number of our sector groups as part of the development of their forum, which also must included a discussion board.  I have looked...
Sue Stone
This question is from a member of our community that wishes to remain anonymous: Can anyone recommend a photographer they've used for a one-day conference? We are expecting approx. 350 people and th...
Ocean King
Hi All, We are having quite an issue getting a bank account. We use cashplus at the moment but want to move to a more established bank as the services are currently limited. We are three trustees, on...
M Aumar Ali
I am currently searching for a free or low-cost solution for tablets and laptops that we loan out to students every year as part of our education programme. Please could you recommend anything?
Shelley Spence
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