Admin, Ops, IT & Finance Community / Finance

The place for those who work in charity admin, ops or finance. 📊 Share your recommendations, helpful resources and experiences.

331 posts

Finance Trending
We are collecting donations to create a corpus fund for our charity which is likely to take several years. I am wondering whether we will have to pay income tax on donations. In other words are donat...
Ahmad Waseem
Hi,  I am looking at moving away from Sage 50 and wondered if anybody is using Xero. I am specifically wanting to know if Xero can effectively distinguish between unrestricted and restricted funds wh...
Luci Brady
I applied to HMRC for VAT registration of our charity. After more than three months, I received Company Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) number and the Tax Office number. The letter does not  say anyt...
Ahmad Waseem
We have used NowDonate part of Donation Manager for a number of ears without problems. Recently the Gift Aid claim process seems to not work. I have tried numerous times to contact them by email but...
Simon Lees
Has anyone set up an Unincorporated Association recently (eg a voluntary group or a sports club)?  I am becoming a trustee for a voluntary group and we are finding it really hard to open a bank accou...
Layla Gemmell
Many organisations have financial deficits going back before 2018. How can I access the organisations for potential drawing in more funds when they already have such big deficits, or is it just part...
Anonymous Anon
We have still have no cvc numbers on our postal donation forms. I would like to move away from Worldpay for processing our donations.  World pay currently allow us to process these forms as customer...
Our charity will be offering mental health training for free to those unable to pay and part subsidised for those who can pay something.  As a charity how do we ensure those accessing the training ca...
Hi folks, Just in case anyone is in the same boat as us and is have been told by Soldo that they will now be charging you, I hunted for a while until I found a really good alternative that actually s...
Kate Jensen
When our CIO got registered we opened a current account and there were few questions on donation collection but the account was opened. Now we want to open a savings account with the same bank and th...
Ahmad Waseem
Is anyone using either one of the platforms? I'd love to hear opinions from day to day user experience. Many thanks, Alex
Alex Hadden
Hi, we are a small charity and will send funds to a partner charity in India. Does anyone know which banks are happiest to do this without having to provide lots of paperwork? Thanks, Richard
Richard Pearce
Hi All, We are having quite an issue getting a bank account. We use cashplus at the moment but want to move to a more established bank as the services are currently limited. We are three trustees, on...
M Aumar Ali
Trying to decide between these two systems: Iplicit vs. Xledger Any insight or recommendations?  Thanks Kim
Kim Bowden
Hi, The trustees of one of the charities I support are reviewing their investment management arrangements.  Is there an impartial source of data that compares the performance of established investmen...
Kate Scranage
Hi everyone can anyone recommend a CIC account that will also do payroll as well? Thank you
Amanda Drake
We've been using a cloud software storage system for almost 10 years but finding it too expensive now.  Has anyone any experience/suggestions for a basic name/address system.  We use a separate finan...
Valerie Berry
I'm a parent volunteer and the treasurer of the school PTA. We are organising a large event to celebrate a significant school milestone and local businesses are donating and in return getting an ad i...
Sarah Sanders
Hi.  We have a CAF bank account.  We have been awarded a grant, but the awarding organisation has been very slow to actually to pass it on.  We have started a project in anticipation of the grant....
Mobasher Choudhary
Ideas please on a card system for payment of small items up to £100 for a few members of staff   Peter
Peter Robson
Hi, I am looking at a new accounting system for a charity. We need something that can differentiate between restricted and unrestricted income and can separate out departments and different funds.  W...
Luci Brady
I want to open an investment account where we can choose the shares to buy for our charity as a long term investment. Can anybody suggest the one where we have an option of regular investment and the...
Ahmad Waseem
Hi, I'm CEO of a CIC, due to become a Charity this year.  We've been run voluntarily for the last 5 years, but now have 2 5 year projects we are a part of with a substantial budgeting level and I am...
Nicholas Morgan
Hi  We are a national charity UCIO. We have many branches and we manage our own branch money. Some branches have assets as well as a large pot of money in the bank.  As a Cambridge branch we have ver...
We are a recently, Feb 24, registered cat charity and we wish to claim gift aid. We have registered with HMRC and sent out gift aid declarations. I believe that we are able to claim gift aid for the...
Tracey Kimberley
Hi everyone,  Was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for UK charity bank account providers that may be more 'risk-averse' in the sense that my CIO aims to serve an overseas community. Having...
James Gordon
Hello Everyone, Just a really quick question (I hope!). As mentioned in an earlier post ( ), we have succee...
Victoria Talbot
I'm wondering if anyone has an overdue invoice policy that they would be willing to share. We have an outstanding invoice from December for a considerable amount for a service provided to another org...
Caroline Stevens
Hi all,  we are reviewing our existing policies and i would appreciate if you can share with me what Finance policies you hold for good practice? So far i have policies for expenses, petty cash and c...
Lorena Mombelli
Hello,  I have taken over bookkeeping for a Festival that is LTD and a CIC turning over £100k-200k We are currently using Co-op for our main bank account. They user experience is awful. You have to u...
Oona Burch
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